- Do not linger or wander unnecessarily in the parking lot, indoor garage or public space around the hotel. Be alert for suspicious people and behavior. Watch for distractions that are intentionally staged to setup a pickpocket, luggage theft or purse snatch.
- Stay with your luggage until it is brought into the lobby or placed into the taxi.
- Consider using the bellman. Luggage in the "care, custody and control" of the hotel causes the hotel to be liable for your property. Protect claim checks -- they are your evidence.
- Keep in mind though that there are limits of liability created by states and countries to protect hoteliers. Personal travel documents, lap tops, jewelry, and other valuables and sensitive documents in excess of $l,000 in value should be hand- carried and personally protected.
- If you arrive by auto, park as close to a hotel access point as possible, and park in a lighted area. Remove all property from the car interior and place it in the trunk. Avoid leaving valuables or personal documents in the glove compartment.
- If using valet service, leave only the ignition key, and take trunk, house or office keys with you. Avoid dimly lit garages that are not patrolled and do not have security telephones or intercoms.